The Bike
Just no energy
Time: 02:10:21
I came out of the water in an okay position but with some other strong athletes. A group of four of us were just over a minute down on Lucy Charles-Barclay but there were one or two other fast swimmers between Lucy and us. I do have this feeling that I perhaps should have been up the road with them with how strong my swim usually is.
When I started peddaling I could feel like it wasn't going to be a good bike. I just lacked something and I'm not quite sure what it was. I just really struggled on the bike which is not typical for me.
The best way I can describe it is that I just didn't have any energy. I could get to my power numbers but it was a big of a slog to get there and I found it difficult to maintain with the creeping lower on each lap.
I was desperate to quite and had all but made my mind up that I would when I got to T2. I had slipped down from 6th to 16th which should never happen!